Real Name                          : Zola Phiri
Occupation                         : Full time music producer, Dj & drummer
Music Genre                      : House music
Location                               : Gauteng, Ekurhuleni, Katlehong
Social Networks               : (Facebook) Zola EmoBoys, (Twitter)@ZolaEmBoys

Zola EmoBoys real name Zola Phiri was born & bred in Katlehong Johannesburg on the eastrand side. He is one of the contenders on SABC 1’s   1s and 2s (season 2) reality music show. He is the leading member of a music group of three young creative who produce house music. Namely: Munkiza EmoBoys and Ex Plosive EmoBoys. He became popular by his initiation of house music production & existing tracks remix that are always demanded by goons of the music industry like Shimza, Blackcoffe etc…

The multi-talented Zola EmoBoys can produce, Dj & can also play live drums.

His High school lifestyle was one of an achievement as he was the school's R.C.L President in 2010. After completing his Matric he invested his time and own perception in music production & sacrificed his Academic life to accomplish his dream of making dance music. He started producing music prematurely while he was 15years.
“If you believe it, you can be it”  

1 comment:

  1. Go go EMoBoYs you are the best Zola::.::........ Frm Dj Emmanuel m
